So you want to sing?

So, sing! Any way you can.

Anna Dell’Era offers vocal workshop for Cancer patients and those affected

each Tuesday 14:00-16:00

Haus der Krebsliga beider Basel

Petersplatz 12, 4051 – Basel, Switzerland

Vocal technique focusing on correct breathing; imagery technique and movement to assist with emotional trauma; singing of songs to encourage sense of well-being

About whenquiet

A child of God, opinionated, survivor, eloquent, elegant, exquisite bohemian, and humble, loving life and shining light to those who are in the shadow.
This entry was posted in African American History, black voices, cancer challenges, Creativity, health, International Travel, Life Perspective, mental health, Music, pre/post chemotherapy, singing, singing as therapy, switzerland, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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